Concrete Moisture Testing
MOISTURE: The #1 Cause of Flooring Problems
Hardwood Floor Buckling Due To Excessive Moisture In Concrete
Concrete slabs, wood subfloors and wood flooring are all porous materials, so absorb and release moisture. When installing wood flooring, it is therefore just as important to measure the moisture content of the concrete subfloor as as the flooring itself. The moisture that passes through the porous concrete can become the source for problems such as warping, gaps and even mold.
Understanding Concrete Moisture Problems
Concrete Relative Humidity (RH) Testing
Installing The Digital Probe In Previously Drilled Hole
Very strict testing procedures must be followed and the correct instruments used to obtain proper results. Best results are obtained using On-site Relative Humidity (RH) testing using digital probes inserted in multiple location and depths of the concrete slab.
Concrete Moisture Testing as part of Trouble Free Flooring Installation
X-Raying the Concrete Slab
Correctly preparing for a hardwood flooring installation will insure years of trouble-free enjoyment. Your inspection report will include moisture content readings and data pertaining to your home's humidity and temperature. And in the case of problems caused by the flooring substrate, a concrete inspection will give you an accurate assessment of the root cause.